The Total Picture Uncovered - Bogdan Dreyer, Daniel Joseph, Federico Favino

The Total Picture Uncovered is a unique documentary film that uplifts the audience as it expores and reveals new and previously undisclosed information concerning the nature of reality, our human existence in this multi-layered reality and the super intelligence behind it all.  The  film starts and its content will be driven by first hand personal accounts from common people that point to a larger reality than perceived or explained by conventional wisdom.  We then will present explanations from experts from different disciplines and perspectives – thus the film will present a more complete picture of the reality we all live in.


For example, we have the reliable testimony of one of the top internet security experts in America, who was the head of internet security division for seven years.   On the night before the space shuttle exploded he had a vividly detailed dream that showed him the explosion and it spitting in two just as it happened the next day.   Which begs the question – How could such a thing be possible? – Precognition? – Timeless Awareness? – Non-Locality – Coincidence?  


The Total Picture-Uncovered, will include a broad cadre of international known scientists, psychologists, quantum biologists, spiritual adepts, quantum physicists, and religious leaders to get their understanding on these kinds extraordinary experiences, ordinary people are having.  This fresh approach  leads the viewer on an incredible journey around the Earth as the film explores how sincere scientific, religiouis and spiritual traditions, past and present, are all trying to describe the same eternal truths- each in their own way.   At the same time this film offers insights and simple effective methods that will raise the viewers awareness and make for a happier, more meaningful life.


Daniel Joseph: Head Writer/ResearcherBogdan Dreyer: Director/Writer, Federico Favino: Writer

The Total Picture Uncovered Daniel Joseph, Bogdan Dreyer, Federico Favino

On location in the Bucegi Mountains of Transylvania